My pictures of a coconut octopus hiding behind a paint tin lid
in Indonesia made the Metro paper today,
also online here
Would like to point out I was diving with Maluku Divers in Ambon, top place if you’re into muck diving.
My pictures of a coconut octopus hiding behind a paint tin lid
in Indonesia made the Metro paper today,
also online here
Would like to point out I was diving with Maluku Divers in Ambon, top place if you’re into muck diving.
We think these pictures are fab and spent some time trying to find them on the internet as the Metro online article only had one picture, not the ones of the Octopus peering over the top.
Made our day. One of us used it as a subject for discussion at a Spanish language class in Glasgow tonight.
Fabulous pictures. We searched on the internet to find them, once we found about about them, as the Online metro didn’t seem to show them all.
Made our day. One of them even used them as a subject for discussion at a Spanish language class in Glasgow tonight.
The pictures from the Metro article (and some extras) are now available as prints from