Home2012OctoberLion cubs play fighting Lion cubs play fighting 2 Comments / Wildlife / By Ed Well another of my Kenya pics has made it to the Telegraphs pic of the day page.This time its 2 lion cubs having a bit of a dingdong. Not a bad right hook for a lion 🙂(Picture is a screengrab but click for Telegraph page)
Shoveler birds – Jubilee River Uncategorized / By Ed Out this morning for a bit of a wander around the Jubilee River/ Dorney area and came up with these Shoveler. Got stared at by…
Photo of Buzzards – Windsor Wildlife / By Ed Not been out a huge amount recently so here’s a pic from a few weeks ago of 3 buzzards circling over Windsor Great Park
Squirrel and walnut Wildlife / By Ed After failing miserably to even take my camera out my bag, I managed a few ‘warm up’ shots of this squirrel the other day, nowt…
Ed 31st October 2012 at 11:02 am Thank you – there was a series of 5 or 6 pictures, guess the press liked this one the best Reply
that’s awesome!
Thank you – there was a series of 5 or 6 pictures, guess the press liked this one the best