So here we are, one of my first truly wild red squirrels. As you can see he was ever so slightly soggy, 10 minutes later the sun came out, the weather here can best be described as changeable! We will be going back to this site later in the week so lots more opportunities for sunshine.
Wildlife, nature and wall art photography from Sussex, UK photographer Ed Brown
I have only ever seen these critters in Sweden, they are much more handsome than the greys that infest our local woodland
I live in Sweden and still there are quite many of them. I have a coule in Garden , thanksfully they are posing well fo r a photo-op!
You are very lucky, the red squirrel has mostly gone from England now.
I just love these animals. A blog worthy of following, so glad you tipped me off by looking at my site first and following me. Can’t wait for the cygnets on Saturday….
Thanks for looking, And thanks for reminding me I need to keep an eye out for the local cygnets too 🙂
Awesome pic. I LOVE it. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following yors. Love wildlife photography. It was one of the ‘what do you want to be when you grow up jobs’ when I was growing up! cheers Ecomummy
I’m not sure I’ll ever grow up 🙂 Thanks for commenting, I have put the other squirrel pics on my other site at
Love the squirrel!
Thanks very much, the rest of my Scottish red squirrel pics are here