Home2014SeptemberI think I got spotted by these red deer I think I got spotted by these red deer 1 Comment / Wildlife / By Ed Out today in Windsor to get a few pictures from the Red Deer rut and while I was waiting I found myself being stared at…..Red deer hinds, Windsor Great Park
Alamy sale Wildlife / By Ed Red deer stag and hinds, UK My latest sale on Alamy appeared today, not the best light in the world but I love his expression
Wren and Goldcrest comparison pictures Birds, Wildlife / By Ed Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) and Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) I guess the frogs in my last post would have been a better subject for a leap day…
Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) photo Jubilee River Wildlife / By Ed Trying to make the most out of this weather yesterday I headed out along the Jubilee River, the last thing I expected was to be…