Home2015AprilCormorant on the Jubilee River Cormorant on the Jubilee River Leave a Comment / Wildlife / By Ed Took a few pics of cormorants on the Jubilee River earlier today, nice to see a load of rubbish in the background! 7D & 500mm f4 +tc, 1/1000sec at f6.3 ISO500Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Cheetah sitting on top of a Land Rover – Masai Mara Wildlife / By Ed My pic of a cheetah sitting on top of one of the game vehicles in the Masai Mara has made it onto the Telegraphs pic…
Pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti) Wildlife / By Ed Pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti) One of the 1st of a bunch of pictures I will be posting from my last trip. This is a Pygmy…
Flying Mute swan picture Uncategorized / By Ed Out on the River Thames today & one thing you’re never short of is Mute swans, more of an arty farty processing on this than…