Its been a while since I’ve posted any fox pictures, way too long in fact, so I grabbed the chance last week to go and get some photos of fox cubs I’d been told about. Funny how people in this country have such polar opinions of these guys. To set a little record straight, they won’t just kill all your chickens for fun and then bugger off. You scared them off before they could cache all that lovely meat for when food is scarce. And they won’t eat your baby either (maybe close your door if scared of this happening)

They sure are pretty. Maybe if I had chickens I wouldn’t think so, but we have the same problem with raccoons and they look sweeter than they are too.
we have hens and the foxes pass through our garden daily. they were there before we moved in and it is our responsibilty to keep our girls safe. we also bung some food out for the foxes away from the coop. Great photos as always Ed.