Anyone for peanuts?
2 different views here of a couple of common UK mammals. These are not likely to confuse you on your British mammals identification! We have a family of 5 foxes (Latin name Vulpes vulpes) that visit us most evenings, there’s usually 2 or 3 hanging around and hopefully they see it as a safe place to be. I took this little video of them chowing down on some peanuts the other night
Slightly different but possibly even better is the visiting badger (hence the peanuts!) Badger diet includes slugs which we’ve seen him scoffing as well so handy to have around the place, hopefully keeping down the veg plot pests. I took this one using my Pluto trigger on infrared mode, its a great little trigger and I’m looking forward to testing it out on other things too. Check the link if you’re interested in a remote trigger for your slr.
Really enjoyed the fox video, Ed. The foxes look healthy and strong — so wonderful.