The Red deer rut (Cervus elaphus in Latin) is one of the UKs best natural spectacles, and easily accessible if you have a handy park like Richmond or Windsor on your doorstep, which I dont anymore so after missing the rut last year due to moving house & various other things getting in the way, we decided this year to head up to Richmond Park. I still see people getting way to close during the rut, what makes somebody think its safe to think hmmm im photographing the deer rut, maybe i’ll use a 200mm lens? Bit of common sense goes a long way when dealing with testosterone fueled beasts. In saying that, I haven’t seen any reports this year of people being chased up a tree. These were all taken on a 500mm, and some were cropped too.
Maybe if your’e after some hinds (female red deer) then get up & put some effort into it!

Just like this guy

Need to put some effort in to keep your girls 🙂

So lonely……..

Been rolling in the hay hey?

Even the Fallow were at it.

If you’re interested in buying wildlife prints, I have a stunning red deer stag print available to purchase in my store.