Documenting our garden wildlife 1 species at a time while under lockdown in the Uk. It’s getting very difficult now, not only to find a new species every day, but also to photograph it, and name it. You’ll see for day 42 I’ve come up with a complete blank for an ID. Any help would be appreciated if you know what it is. Best guess so far is a Sawfly or an Ichneumon wasp.
Will update if and when I find out
42 days, 42 pictures.
Week 6
Day 36 – Early bumblebee (Bombus pratorum)
Day 37 – Willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
Day 38 – Garden bumblebee (Bombus hortorum)
Day 39 – Azure damselfly (Coenagrion puella)
Day 40 – Giant house spider (Eratigena atrica)
Day 41 – White lipped snail (Cepaea hortensis)
Day 42 – Sawfly/Ichneumon wasp? (No idea)
Species list
Early bumblebee, Willow warbler, Garden bumblebee, Azure damselfly, Giant house spider, White lipped snail, Sawfly/Ichneumon wasp
Total count up to now
Greenfinch, Starling, House sparrow, Jackdaw, Goldfinch, Reed bunting, Robin, Slow-worm, Magpie, Bluetit, Rough woodlouse, Dunnock, Common frog, Speckled wood butterfly, Great tit, Holly blue butterfly, Tapered drone fly, Grey squirrel, Feral pigeon, Nursery web spider, Red fox, Honey bee, Blackbird, Peacock butterfly, Large red damselfly, Wood pigeon, Common toad, Small white butterfly, Yellow dung fly, Chaffinch, Collared dove, Queen Median wasp, Garden snail, Red admiral butterfly, Rhingia campestris hoverfly, Early bumblebee, Willow warbler, Garden bumblebee, Azure damselfly, Giant house spider, White lipped snail, Sawfly/Ichneumon wasp