70 consecutive mornings i’ve posted a different animal found in our garden during Covid-19 lock down here in the UK. Something that I envisaged running for around 30 days has now hit the 10 week mark and all the critters are getting smaller and smaller! I guess if i could ID every single fly and bug this project could run on for ever, but I can’t. So it won’t. There’s still a few birds missing and we’re a bit light on butterflies at the moment so lets see what next weeks weather brings.
The last 7 days are as follows:
70 days, 70 pictures.
Week 10
Day 64 – Wool-carder Bee (Anthidium manicatum)

Day 65 – Wolf spider (Pardosa amentata)

Day 66 – Dichrorampha sequana moth

Day 67 – Poecilobothrus nobilitatus fly

Day 68 – 7 Spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata)

Day 69 – Oxyloma elegans snail

Day 70 – Common green capsid nymph (Lygocoris pabulinus)

Species list
Wool-carder bee, Wolf spider, Dichrorampha sequana moth, Poecilobothrus nobilitatus fly, 7 Spot ladybird, Oxyloma elegans snail, Common Green Capsid nymph
Total count up to now
Greenfinch, Starling, House sparrow, Jackdaw, Goldfinch, Reed bunting, Robin, Slow-worm, Magpie, Bluetit, Rough woodlouse, Dunnock, Common frog, Speckled wood butterfly, Great tit, Holly blue butterfly, Tapered drone fly, Grey squirrel, Feral pigeon, Nursery web spider, Red fox, Honey bee, Blackbird, Peacock butterfly, Large red damselfly, Wood pigeon, Common toad, Small white butterfly, Yellow dung fly, Chaffinch, Collared dove, Queen Median wasp, Garden snail, Red admiral butterfly, Rhingia campestris hoverfly, Early bumblebee, Willow warbler, Garden bumblebee, Azure damselfly, Giant house spider, White lipped snail, Sawfly/Ichneumon wasp, Blowfly (Calliphora vicina) Helophilus pendulus hoverfly, Thick legged flower beetle, Cranefly (Nephrotoma quadrifaria) Marmalade hoverfly, Common pond skater, Sawfly (Macrophya annulata), Tachina fera fly, Red lily beetles, Trigonotylus caelestialum, Woundwort shieldbugs, Mangora acalypha spider, Vestal cuckoo bumblebee, Speckled bush cricket, Rhopalus subrufus bug, Herring gull, Dock bug, 14 spot ladybird, Emperor dragonfly, Meadow grasshopper, Common froghopper, Wool-carder bee, Wolf spider, Dichrorampha sequana moth, Poecilobothrus nobilitatus fly, 7 Spot ladybird, Oxyloma elegans snail, Common Green Capsid nymph