15 weeks of my garden project, 1 morning, 1 picture, 1 species per day! If you haven’t been keeping up, i thought of this project at the start of lockdown in the UK. Just a small project to keep me going for a month or so, ha! what an idiot! I seriously underestimated the wildlife we have in the garden but I had my plan to photo 1 species per day until I ran out. So here we are, on day 105, nearly 4 times more than I had guessed.
Week 15
Day 99 – Gatekeeper butterfly (Pyronia tithonus)

Day 100 – Comb-footed spider (Enoplognatha latimana)

Day 101 – Tortoise beetle (Cassida viridis)

Day 102 – 22 Spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata)

Day 103 – Common red soldier beetle (Rhagonycha fulva)

Day 104 – Large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae)

Day 105 – Garden spider (Araneus diadematus)

Species list
Gatekeeper butterfly, Enoplognatha latimana spider, Tortoise beetle, 22 Spot ladybird, Common red soldier beetle, Large white butterfly, Garden spider
Total count up to now
Greenfinch, Starling, House sparrow, Jackdaw, Goldfinch, Reed bunting, Robin, Slow-worm, Magpie, Bluetit, Rough woodlouse, Dunnock, Common frog, Speckled wood butterfly, Great tit, Holly blue butterfly, Tapered drone fly, Grey squirrel, Feral pigeon, Nursery web spider, Red fox, Honey bee, Blackbird, Peacock butterfly, Large red damselfly, Wood pigeon, Common toad, Small white butterfly, Yellow dung fly, Chaffinch, Collared dove, Queen Median wasp, Garden snail, Red admiral butterfly, Rhingia campestris hoverfly, Early bumblebee, Willow warbler, Garden bumblebee, Azure damselfly, Giant house spider, White lipped snail, Sawfly/Ichneumon wasp, Blowfly (Calliphora vicina) Helophilus pendulus hoverfly, Thick legged flower beetle, Cranefly (Nephrotoma quadrifaria) Marmalade hoverfly, Common pond skater, Sawfly (Macrophya annulata), Tachina fera fly, Red lily beetles, Trigonotylus caelestialum, Woundwort shieldbugs, Mangora acalypha spider, Vestal cuckoo bumblebee, Speckled bush cricket, Rhopalus subrufus bug, Herring gull, Dock bug, 14 spot ladybird, Emperor dragonfly, Meadow grasshopper, Common froghopper, Wool-carder bee, Wolf spider, Dichrorampha sequana moth, Poecilobothrus nobilitatus fly, 7 Spot ladybird, Oxyloma elegans snail, Common Green Capsid nymph, Black and yellow longhorn beetle, Large skipper butterfly, Tetragnatha extensa spider, Hairy shieldbug, Gorytes laticinctus wasp, Sicus ferrugineus fly, Wood mouse, White-zoned Furrow Bee, Long tailed tit, Blue tailed damselfly, Yellow slug, Empis opaca fly, Cinnamon bug, Deraeocoris flavilinea bug, Mullein moth caterpillar, Meadow brown butterfly, Common green shieldbug, Harvestman, Marsham’s nomad bee, Greenfly, Long winged cone-head nymph, Pellucid fly, Black slug, Rose chafer beetle, Small black ants, Myathropa florea hoverfly, Rove beetle, Great spotted woodpecker, Gatekeeper butterfly, Enoplognatha latimana spider, Tortoise beetle, 22 Spot ladybird, Common red soldier beetle, Large white butterfly, Garden spider